Ava’s story is long and complex, with Leo’s Helping Paws as a constant thread through her journey to a new life.

Ava’s life began outside, tethered and without much interaction from humans. It was several years later that she ended up in a shelter.

She won the hearts of everyone around her, which gave her much needed time. When time was running out, Kelly Armour, Ava’s saving grace and continued support system entered her life. Kelly found her a foster home and got her into the care of The Polished Pitbull. “Once we saved her from the shelter, she became the biggest medical mystery we had ever seen,” she said.

Ava was in and out of veterinary offices as something unknown affected her kidneys and liver and caused a steady decline that nearly cost Ava her life. While the rescue wanted to provide everything they could for her, they lacked the funds to do so. That’s when Leo’s Helping Paws stepped up. After continued treatments, they put her on a special diet that seemed to turn her life around. “We should have lost her many times, but there is a fight in this amazing little girl,” Kelly said.

After several unsuccessful adoptions, Ava was recently adopted by Jenn and her husband, Barclay, and finally has a permanent place to call home.

Original article by Lancaster County Pet

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